At the same time, however, the clerk is given the instruction by the same statute to make certain that these records are not only up to date, but that they are also available to the public at all times. The statute had given the official custodian of these records, the clerk of courts, the command to keep, maintain, and secure these records.

The availability of these documents is governed by a statute, but the statute is founded upon public policy. Typically, these types of documents are sources of information for trials as well as for the occasional background checks conducted by employers and other people. Both types of documents and everything between those two types are part of the records because they contain information that is important in both to the appellate process and for the general public.
#Pinellas county public records full
There are a number of types of records, ranging from a simple document purporting to a sale of personal property to full blown records that describe entire court proceedings. The information contained within these records typically includes the names of the parties involved in the proceedings, plus the actual type of proceedings that they refer to. The contents of these records may be sensitive, but they are not that sensitive. Certainly there are some types of records that would never be available to the public no matter how much time had passed, but the records contained within these archives are not those types of records, because these records, while important, should not contain sensitive information that would require them to be compartmentalized. The term Pinellas County Public Records is a reference to a collection of records that are available at all times to the public because of the information that they contain.